If you or a family member is recommended for psychiatric examination, you should know there are various norms in psychological testing. Alternatively, you may have read of psychological tests and are uncertain if you or a family member should be tested.
It is also essential to know exactly what is psychological testing before jumping into it. While psychological testing can seem daunting, it is intended to assist you. Psychological assessments and evaluations are similar to psychiatric examinations in several respects. It is also necessary to understand the types of norms in psychological testing to understand your results better. A primary care physician might order X-rays or blood tests to determine what’s causing a patient’s physical symptoms. The test results will be used to help establish a treatment plan. To arrive at a diagnosis and immediate treatment, psychologists use assessments and other evaluation instruments to quantify and analyze a client’s actions. Psychologist in Delhi use tests and evaluations to help people with a range of issues. For example, children with difficulties in education may be subjected to aptitude testing or intellectual disability tests.
Suppose a person is having difficulties at work, school, or in personal relationships. In that case, assessments will help a counselor figure out if they have issues with anger management, interpersonal skills, or personality characteristics that contribute to the problem. Other reviews assess whether or not a client is suffering from mental issues like anxiety or depression.
What is psychological testing?
Norm-referenced psychological assessments, informal tests and surveys, interview results, school or medical records, medical evaluation, and observational evidence may all be used in a psychological evaluation. Based on the particular questions being asked, a psychologist decides what knowledge to use. Checks can be used to determine whether an individual has a learning disability, can stand trial, or has suffered a traumatic brain injury, for example. They can also be used to see whether anyone will make a good boss or work well with others. A counselor may observe how a person feels, reasons, and communicates with others when interacting with them about their problems and background. Other people close to the client, such as teachers, colleagues, or family members, maybe interviewed as part of the assessment. (However, such interviews can only be done with the client’s written consent.)
Characteristics of psychological testing-
- The tests should give the same outcome no matter how many times it’s done.
- It should skillfully measure what it has been made for, as in.. It should be efficient.
- Psychological testing should have no biased opinions. It should record results genuinely
- It should have a standardization value.
The above factors are must to be a part of any psychological testing.
Few facts about it?
- The steps to psychological testing is not to extract the ‘negativities’ in you. It is a non- judgemental process carried out in featuring its characteristics only for the well-being of the person.
- The reasons to undergo this test can differ from person to person. It may be just to diagnose one’s personality or to find answers to a particular behaviour.
- The tests are exclusive. The psychologists invent new tests or modify the old ones to fit your requirements.
What would you expect?
Psychological assessment isn’t like taking a multiple-choice exam. Best psychologist in Delhi use data from multiple tests and examinations to arrive at a particular diagnosis and treatment plan. Some people are tempted to look over the exams before they take them. If they think they have a problem, they should look for a practice test for that problem online. Experts say that’s a terrible idea. In reality, preparing ahead of time typically backfires: when you decide to take the test in a specific way, the responses can be inconsistent, giving the impression that you have more issues than you do.
History of psychological testing
Personality testing dates back to the 18th and 19th centuries when used to determine personality using phrenology (the estimation of the human skull) and physiognomy (evaluating a person’s exterior appearances).
In the twentieth century, these early pseudoscientific approaches were gradually replaced by more empirical methods.
In the year 2000, France was the first country to introduce modern mental examination. In the nineteenth century, cognitive tests became common in France. This was a trademark in the history of psychological testing.
It helped to distinguish between mental retardation and mental illness, resulting in minor neglect, torture, and mockery for both classes.
What are the types of psychological testing-
- Psycho educational assessment-
There are few assessments set up in educational systems for testing the child’s psychological abilities. It also endeavours on checking the emotional and behavioural status of the child. The strategy of such studies is to check how the child is coping with everyday school work, and in case he is having any issues, it also works on developing methods to alleviate the child’s problems.
- Psychological assessment –
This is carried in opd, hospitals, clinics. The procedure is mostly guided by a clinical psychologist. The goal circumvents the kind of diagnoses provided and the treatment of these underlying issues.
- Neuropsychological assessment –
This is the most advanced type of assessment done under the expertise of a neuropsychologist. They work on the further detailing of the brain delving into the information processing skills of the brain, memory, attention, motor and sensory signals, etc.
Categorizing the psychological tests more broadly, we can pen them down as:
- Projective tests
- Observation tests
- Emotional intelligence tests
- Intelligence tests
- Aptitude tests
- Attitude tests
- Achievement tests
- Personality tests
Uses of psychological testing-
The method has its relevance to decode the mental state of an individual. The uses of it are:
- To detect the true behaviour of a person
- The psychological changes, the way the person interprets things
- It is used during the recruitment of candidates in the interview process
- In researches
- Used in organizations
- To draw a distinction between two individuals
- During self awareness.
The psychological tests over the time have benefited innumerable people. From knowing the actual reasons for their problems, to facing harsh circumstances, it has been helpful in building up the person’s self confidence by working on his emotional, social and psychological factors.

Hope Care established under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Raheja, is a Psychiatric Centre of excellence that endeavors to restore hope and well-being to individuals and families afflicted by mental ill-health through comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. Hopecare seeks to set benchmarks in innovative programs in treatment, care, and education.